Friday, January 20, 2012

I'm bored

Yep - in almost 5 years of marriage (and 18 months within that of being a mom) I think I can finally say "I'm bored."  I need something to occupy me. I can't read too much because it makes me sleepy and I fall asleep and one thing I don't want to do is fall asleep (it makes night time sleep impossible!)
I've tried watching tv, but on the 8 channels of cable that we get, all I seem to pick up is Jerry Springer, the Nate Berkus show, an episode of the Cosby Show, and some updates on the weather. blah.
Don't get me wrong, I love my rest, but I'm really just lonely.  Miriam isn't around for 4-8 hours each day b/c she's at preschool and at the sitters or napping.  J is gone from 7 (at the latest) until at least 5 or 6 every day.  It's just quiet.
So today, I've been blogging - well, I guess blog reading.  I've found quite some interesting stories, posts, and cool ideas.  One blog I read was a girl who faithfully kept up with her pregnancy weeks, which I never did, so here is my attempt:

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 30 Weeks
Size of baby: Lydia should be about the size of a head of cabbage, but we have reason to believe she's still closer to an artichoke
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 14 lbs(I'm now in a season where I'm losing weight?! I ate 4 - yes 4 - cupcakes since Monday and I lost a pound?!?! Too bad that "diet" program doesn't last forever!
Maternity Clothes: I wear some maternity pants and tops, but relish in the fact that I can still wear my skinny jeans and a lot of regular tops.
Movement: Since I've been lying down a good portion of the day, this baby NEVER sleeps! She does karate 24/7 in my belly!
Sleep: Eh, it comes and goes!  I haven't slept for more than 3 hours at a time - getting ready to be on the nursing schedule I guess?
What I miss: Funny enough, I miss people touching my belly - they did like crazy with Miriam (and it drove me crazy) but very few folks extend the hands this time.
Cravings: Concession stand nachos and cheese and muffins in the morning.  Can't live without a glass of OJ in the a.m., and a wonderful seedless navel orange to split with Miriam in the afternoons.
Symptoms: ABout 3 weeks ago, I would have said every symptom in the book for 3rd trimester pregnancy.  Thankfully, all but Braxton Hicks have gone away. I have several BH a day, sometimes several in an hour, but the bed rest and drinking water helps tremendously!
Best Moment this week: Hearing from a test that we have a strong chance of at least 2 more weeks and I haven't dilated anymore since Monday.

Too bad I didn't keep up with this all the way through either pregnancy.  They both have been so very different, I'm sure it'd be interesting to compare.
I haven't been good at taking the pictures either - but I finally got one this week. I'm starting to realize that these are my last pictures before I'm no longer prego.
I know that this time with Miriam, I had gained at least 5-7 more pounds, and I think it's obvious in the picture.  Check this out - it might make you laugh!
With Miriam at 30 weeks, right after my morning walk
With Lydia at 30 weeks, after finally getting dressed for the first time in days!
It's funny how you carry so differently, but still "measure" the same. 

Can't wait to blog more about other people's blogs, now that I have all the time in the world! Ha.

Have a great weekend!


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