Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16

This has been a crazy day! A day that I have anticipated since Thanksgiving, and a day I'd never thought I'd experience the way I have in my entire life for two reasons:
1.  Today I was put on strict bed rest, after discovering that last Thursday I was starting to efface and today have dilated a slight bit (just a fingertip, so not a whole lot, but nonetheless, more than one would desire to do so at this early in the game - just barely 30 weeks!).  I had a hard time over the weekend, accepting the fact that I'd be on the couch for the next 0-10 weeks, but the more I rest, the more time I feel I can bide to keep Lydia snug and warm on the inside.  The doctor had true concern last Thursday - which scared me - but seemed less worried today and was more encouraging.  He did, however, change his projected goal of 36 weeks to now 34 weeks (that's how far Miriam was before her birth)...and anything after that is "icing" - I'm praying for a loaded iced cake at this point (watch Lydia come at like 43 weeks!!).
2. As of this evening, my resignation is official. Jeremy and I made this difficult decision at Thanksgiving, shared it with those who needed to know professionally at the beginning of December, and have lived "in secret" ever since. Thankful for the busyness of the holidays to help keep it in, but it was so difficult to be excited about this new change and at the same time reserved so not even our closest friends and family knew about it.  The session met at 7 p.m. this evening to make this all official, and if it goes as planned, my ending date is February 29 (36 weeks....).  I have felt like we've been hiding something so big, and now, it's finally out.  I've been working at this church for almost 7 years - it's been our lifestyle, our worship place, and where we have met some folks and become quite close with many of them.  I can't believe we're about to experience such a change of events.

Jeremy and I are THRILLED beyond measure that the Lord has worked in the ways that he has, but especially by providing this new job last Spring.  We will definitely take a pay cut, no doubt, and we'll be raising our expenses, and we'll be playing it each month by the penny for sure - but I know the Lord will provide and give resources when they are needed most, and it will be an excellent opportunity for us to learn dependence, trust, and faith in him through all things.

And those "all things" begins even today as I spent my day on the couch, thinking, reading, writing, and working.


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