Saturday, February 14, 2015


This week we celebrated Lydia's birthday!!! As it usually happens every year since her birth, nothing goes as planned. 
Her birth year, well, she was born on February 11 when she should have waited 6-7 more weeks before coming. 
Her first birthday year, she was sick with bronchitis/rsv and I was in the mountains and we had to rearrange her birthday party to accommodate because she later got the stomach bug. 
Her second birthday, it snowed a good bit and we were all stuck around the house and had a limited celebration after the roads cleared. She was also sick with bronchiolitis. 
It never fails. 
This year, she again was sick. She still is sick. It's been a long, now on day 10 of sick. What started as the stomach bug, turned into possible flu, then bronchitis which is now some other type of undiagnosed infection. Fever for 9+ days. So we have all been held captive to the house since last Wednesday night. 
Sweet L has had the toughest week ever. She's been such a trooper through countless breathing treatments, the thermometer being shoved in her ear, me forcing Sunny D down her throat. Ready to figure out what the deal is and solve the problem. We all are. I sure hope this won't be a trend for every birthday year...

Sweet Lydia,
You mean BEAUTY and you bring grace and simplicity to our family. You snuggle with us when we need it most. You are goofy and silly and carry a confidence that is growing and growing each and every day. You love to say prayers. You love your friends. You are so sensitive and caring. You are so observant. Your memory is uncanny!! You are learning so many things from your big sister (good and bad!;))! You feel remorse for your wrongdoing immediately and are apologetic and show love when you have hurt your neighbor. You are becoming such a little lady. 
Our prayer for you has always been that "God would count you as one of his own people. And that he would give you a singleness of heart and action so that you will always fear You for your own good and for the good of your children. And that He would never stop doing good to you, and inspire you to fear Him so that you will never turn away from Him." (Jeremiah 32:39-40)

Happy 3rd birthday Lydia Lou, Lydibug, Little love, LEG!!!!


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