Monday, August 27, 2012

Bulletin boards: a confession

In college, while I was burning the night candles reading the 500+ pages of Don Quixote in a foreign language, I laughed at my fellow classmates who were education majors and were complaining about putting together die cuts and cute shapes for their classrooms during their internships.  I mean, really, how hard can a bulletin board be?! It's time I issue an apology to each and every one of you.  Your cute, creative, fun "busy work" really was meaningful and time consuming.  And to me, it's been stressful!!

The past few days I've worried myself sick over a stinking bulletin board.  I am excited to be teaching Spanish to the cute preschoolers at Miriam's school each week, and I have my own "classroom" that doubles with the church as a Children's Church room.  There's not a whole lot of potential and room for me to do much, other than the bulletin board, so I had to get to working.  However, I'm in an environment where almost all of the other teachers are certified and are certainly more skilled and competent at what they do than where I am.  I have taught children before and I've taught Spanish, but not necessarily the two together. 
This is pretty much what it looked like when I got into the room last week (minus the blue paper - I forgot to take a real initial photo).  Eek - what was I to do?!

So I've been working hard at night and on the weekends to put my teacher skills and creative juices together.  Today was BB-day (bulletin board day).  I went in with my vision and actually had an outcome worth being proud about.  Without having taking the Bulletin 101 course at EC I think I'll manage to pass on this one. 

So at the beginning of each class, we'll say our hellos (top left corner) and at the end our goodbyes (I also need to at buenas noches) - Not sure how I like the black doesn't really look like it fits in but it will do. Then, as we talk about colors, we'll point out the yellow sun, blue sky, pink flowers, green grass, stars/moon, and white clouds so we learn colors and other vocabulary.  Decent? It will work! I've got another board to work on - my "que esta en mi caja" board (what's inside my box?).  I hope the kids will be as excited about it as I am!!


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