Friday, May 25, 2012

Mexican Sweetness

This just happened in my kitchen:
The Perfect Margarita Cupcake
Who wouldn't want to combine beverage of choice with a cupcake?!  So, after a pinterest search for a perfect recipe, I really didn't find one. I found lots of them. So I took a few, reviewed them, and opted to go for this recipe by Michelle at!

I had originally planned to "test" this recipe out last week and share with the neighbors, but Miriam came down with some yucky bumps, and I opted to wait until we were in the clear a few days before sharing the love ...however, I did go to the liquor store to purchase the tequila for the baking.  That, in itself, is one of the funniest moments in my life. Here I am, almost 30 years old, and getting all nervous as I walk into the ABC store looking like a ditzy fool looking for some kind of tequila to bake cupcakes with a blank look on my face.  mind you, I went to the store at 6:57 p.m. on a Saturday night (they close at 7 p.m. then until Monday).  So, there I was, clueless (also dressed in formal full black since I had just played at a wedding) with a bunch of other folks getting their last chance in to buy some hard liquor and all I need is 6 tablespoons of some kind of tequila...I'm sure that cashier belly laughed after I walked out.

But...the time came this week when we were invited to a neighborhood gathering for appetizers with a Mexican theme and it's perfect. So, in the kitchen I went and baked 12 of these yummies to share after my girls went to bed. (I actually just ate one at 11:25 p.m. to "test" because I won't be able to have one at the gathering tomorrow since I will still have to nurse L before bedtime and I don't want to give her a dose of it....)

I might have used too much lime - but I LOVE lime, especially when it's hot outside. So these will be perfect for the party tomorrow. Can't wait to share.  And if you have a fiesta and you need cupcakes - I'll gladly help you out with these babies. :)

¡Que rico! ¡Olé!


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