Saturday, October 15, 2011


So we're stuck at home, and mostly inside this weekend getting over all of the bugs we've had this week. I would have much rather been in the mountains this weekend, enjoying a different side of church ministry, taking trips to the apple orchard, and going bowling with my famous shoes.  Instead, I'm about to go crazy in the house!!  So, I made a few goals for myself this weekend.  And, I've been pinning so much on pinterest but haven't yet done anything with my pins.  So, I took a trip to the pumpkin patch at WUMC this morning and to Walmart and got busy! Here were my goals:
1. Make my 8 year old niece, Grace, a clip board following this idea
2. Make burlap printouts of one our favorite lines from a book we read to Miriam often put this idea and this idea into one project.
3. Add some type of "fall-ness" to our porch (we don't celebrate Halloween and I'm hesitant to put out pumpkins before Nov 1, but we were looking a little bare and boring).
4. Hand wash all of my sweater cardigans and let them dry in the beautiful sunshine.

And here are my accomplishments:

90% finished product (I like polka-dots instead)

added embellishment for girly fun!

2.  My burlap printouts will have to wait - need ink in the printer :(

3. Our porch started with this lone mum (which, by the way, I got on the clearance shelf for $3.13 on Thursday). and I even left it in the black plastic pot. Sad.

So, I took a few items that we had in storage, and added two "fresh" pumpkins and turned our front porch into fall fun! 

Can you tell which pumpkins are real vs fake??
4. All sweaters are washed and hanging on the rack on the deck. So fresh and clean, clean!

Now, I must sleep while I still have a little time left in Miriam's nap (which I should have made goal #5)


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